NOBORDER.z FZE(首席执行官:RIO TAKESHI KUBO,以下简称NOBORDER.z)、手冢制作公司(总裁。松谷孝之,以下简称手冢制作公司)和J&J Business Creation(总裁。JTB公司和JCB公司的合资公司J&J Business Creation(总裁:铃木正美,以下简称 "J&J Business Creation")宣布推出以地区发展为主题的新NFT游戏卡系统,可用于与元空间兼容的NFT市场 "XANALIA "和元空间 "XANA "的NFT游戏 "NFTDUEL"。 由NOBORDER.z开发的


这三家公司与日本的每个 "地方 "合作,将世界闻名的日本标志性人物 "阿童木 "变成NFT,可作为NFT交易卡游戏 "NFTDUEL "中的游戏卡,与元空间 "XANA "相连,并在全球发行。用户将能够拥有充满日本各地区魅力和文化的NFT,作为自己的资产,他们还可以通过组合卡创造新的卡,并通过购买和出售这些卡实现货币化。

该项目将采取创新和前所未有的方法,创造一个日本独有的新IP,并在国内和海外的新受众中重新发现日本的吸引力,从而鼓励对After Corona的重新入境需求,同时将部分收益捐赠给当地产业,创造一种革命性的重建支持形式。




● 第一个合作地区[鸟取县]。

鸟取县是一个为促进太空产业而做出各种努力的县。此外,"鸟取县 "被打上了 "星鸟县 "的标签,因为它是日本连续观测星空的最佳城市。鸟取县的各种风景名胜、文化和食品将与新技术相结合,以促进该县的发展。

● 关于手冢制作所

该公司由手冢治虫于1968年成立,是他自己的漫画和动画制作公司。该公司创作了许多在世界漫画和动画历史上留下印记的杰作,如《Astro Boy》、《Firebird》和《Astro Boy》。


● 关于J&J商业创造有限公司




我们的愿景是 "没有边界的精彩世界",我们是一家下一代娱乐技术公司,在五个国家开展业务,包括纽约和迪拜。公司开发的基于区块链的Metaverse和NFT平台是娱乐和技术的融合。

* XANA链接


● 关于NFT决斗

NFT DUEL是一款由NOBORDER.z开发的NFT游戏,它利用NFT技术将世界上最流行的游戏类型之一--交易卡游戏,赋予用户对卡片本身的真正所有权,使其可以在全球市场上自由交易。此外,该游戏还与NOBORDER.z开发的NFT元空间XANA相连,用户将能够扮演化身,在NFT建立的元空间中自由互动,与他们遇到的其他用户竞争,并享受发生在与各种IP合作创建的世界中的故事情节。


XANALIA,由NOBORDER.z开发,由XANALIA有限公司运营,是一个吸引全球关注的NFT市场。该市场在全球交易量排名中获得了第8名,在7月份日本预期的NFT市场中获得了第1名。XANALIA的主要特点是:1.NFT ,2.与元宇宙的联系。3.DeFi(去中心化金融)模式,这也是目前区块链市场上增长最快的领域。其稀释后的潜在市值在推出一个月后就超过了$1.4亿(约1650亿日元)。

与Pony Canyon Planning, IncFuji Land, Inc.和Fuji Creative Corporation一起举办 "2021年XANALIA NFTART AWARDS",以促进和鼓励全球创作者。

● 网站。

● Twitter :

● 公司概述

地点 商务中心,AI Smooch大厦,UAQ自由贸易区,乌姆阿勒奎因,阿联酋。
业务内容 发展区块链技术、VR、XR、AI、NFT和服务的运作
委员长   里约-久保武夫


* 联系

部门 公共关系部
询问 [email protected]

NOBORDER.z FZE(首席执行官:RIO TAKESHI KUBO,以下简称 "NOBORDER.z")很高兴地宣布,由NOBORDER开发的兼容Metaverse的NFT游戏 "NFT DUEL "的第一个NFT预购。(由Heros公司(总裁兼首席执行官:KATSUYA SHIRAI;以下简称 "Heros")出版的著名漫画 "ULTRAMAN"(清水荣一和下口智博)的首次NFT预购已经开始。






第一版(创世卡) 标准版(普通卡)
估计价格 0.08ETH 〜 $20
预计推出日期 2022年1月至3月 * 2022年4月
拟发行的份数 2100册 * 还没有决定
内容 1x 限量版3D动画卡 5张普通卡
稀有性 7级(稀有卡的出现率大幅提高) 7级
游戏中的奖励 巨大的增长 奖励 诺玛
  • 优先预订所有后续的NFT
  • 进入元老院的独家活动
  • VIP社区参与权
  • 提前进入游戏










NFT DUEL是一款NFT游戏,它使用NFT技术,将世界上最流行的游戏类型之一--交易卡游戏,赋予用户对卡片本身的真正所有权,允许他们在全球市场上自由交易。此外,用户自己可以成为化身,在NFT构建的元宇宙中自由互动,与他们遇到的其他用户竞争。







奥特曼--由清水荣一和下口智广创作的日本漫画系列,由Comiplex(发行,是受 "奥特曼系列 "启发的漫画系列--由Tsuburaya Productions制作的SFX Tokusatsu电视系列。故事在原版《奥特曼》中描述的世界几十年后展开。它已被翻译成全球11种语言,总发行量超过400万册。

完整的3DCG动漫版也从2019年4月起由Netflix在全球192个国家独家发行,并获得了 "什么是热门?2019年:十大最受欢迎的动漫(日本)"中获得第一名,由Netflix制作。SEASON 2的制作已经宣布在2022年春季进行。它已被翻译成11种语言。



XANALIA,由NOBORDER.z开发,由XANALIA有限公司运营,是一个吸引全球关注的NFT市场。该市场在全球交易量排名中获得了第8名,在7月份日本预期的NFT市场中获得了第1名。XANALIA的主要特点是:1.NFT ,2.与元宇宙的联系。3.DeFi(去中心化金融)模式,这也是目前区块链市场上增长最快的领域。其稀释后的潜在市值在推出一个月后就超过了$1.4亿(约1650亿日元)。

与Pony Canyon Planning, IncFuji Land, Inc.和Fuji Creative Corporation一起举办 "2021年XANALIA NFTART AWARDS",以促进和鼓励全球创作者。







XANALIA是一家下一代娱乐技术公司,在全球五个国家开展业务,以纽约和迪拜为中心。该公司以 "无国界的精彩世界 "为愿景,正在为全球NFT市场开发基于区块链技术的NFT元宇宙 "XANA "和NFT平台 "XANALIA"。



公司名称 NOBORDER.z FZE (NoBorderz)
地点 商务中心,AI Smooch大厦,UAQ自由贸易区,乌姆阿勒奎因,阿联酋。
商业 区块链开发、VR与元数据开发、XR、AI、NFT平台开发和服务运营
首席执行官 里约-久保武夫



HERO'S公司主要从事漫画网站和人物内容的策划、管理和制作。他们经营一个名为 "Comiplex--漫画剧场("的网络漫画发行网站,每周五日本时间12:00更新。他们连载了各种流行的漫画,如 "超能战士"、"Kamen Rider Kuuga"、"Tanzaburou Tojima想成为假面骑士"、"ATOM THE BEGINNING"、"DOUDLE"、"Blank Space"、"KILLING BITES "和 "KamiKatsu ~Create a religion in Isekai!~" 以及许多其他各种漫画。

他们的主要股东是Kinoshita Group Inc.和Shogakukan Creative Inc。




部门 公共关系部
查询 [email protected]


NOBORDER.z FZE(NOBORDER.z,首席执行官:RIO TAKESHI KUBO)宣布,由该公司开发的兼容元空间的NFT游戏 "NFT DUEL",将以NFT游戏改编的 "ULTRAMAN "为特色。ULTRAMAN是由HEROES公司(CEO:白井克也)出版的漫画人物,将在NFT游戏和元空间中出现。

ULTRAMAN NFT项目的第一个NFT作为可在NFT DUEL(兼容Metaverse的NFT交易卡游戏)中玩的最重要的NFT标题发布。该项目于本月12日宣布,在日本和海外都吸引了大量的关注。





自2021年下半年以来,NFTs一直吸引着全球的关注,使所有权和交易透明化。NFTs的高级用途,包括游戏中的资产和Metaverse头像,一直受到全球关注。作为日本领先的国家IP之一,在全球192多个国家拥有粉丝的《超能陆战队》将率先推进Metaverse NFT游戏《NFT DUEL》,这引起了全球市场的极大关注。大量的合作意向也随之被收集起来。

在这个项目下发布的NFT卡和其他不可伪造的代币将通过NOBORDER.z公司开发的NFT市场 "XANALIA "出售。ULTRAMAN NFT也将在该公司开发的元空间 "XANA "中作为头像和其他各种物品使用。NFT的细节和购买方式将很快在官方网站和Twitter上公布。


官方 Discord。



"NFT DUEL "是一款NFT游戏,在世界最流行的游戏类型之一的交易卡游戏中使用这些代币,让用户真正拥有NFT卡本身,并允许他们在全球市场上自由交易。此外,用户自己成为化身,可以与他们在NFT构建的元空间中遇到的其他用户自由互动和竞争。



关于《超能陆战队》(Eiichi Shimizu & Tomohiro Shimoguchi)

奥特曼》是清水荣一和下口智广创作的日本漫画作品。这部作品的背景是在世界看到由Tsuburaya Productions制作的电视剧 "奥特曼 "的几十年后(在动画版本中为 "10年后"),并被翻译成全球11种语言,总发行量超过400万册。

Netflix在2019年4月前向全球192个国家发行了3DCG全集动画,在 "什么是热门?2019:十大最受欢迎的动漫(日本)"中,被Netflix评为第一名。第二季已经制作完成,将于2022年在全球发行。它是一部国际流行的作品,已被翻译成11种语言。


HERO'S公司主要从事漫画网站和人物内容的策划、管理和制作。他们经营一个名为 "Comiplex--漫画剧场("的网络漫画发行网站,每周五日本时间12:00更新。他们连载了各种流行的漫画,如 "超能战士"、"Kamen Rider Kuuga"、"Tanzaburou Tojima想成为假面骑士"、"ATOM THE BEGINNING"、"DOUDLE"、"Blank Space"、"KILLING BITES "和 "KamiKatsu ~Create a religion in Isekai!~" 以及许多其他各种漫画。

他们的主要股东是Kinoshita Group Inc.和Shogakukan Creative Inc。






XANALIA是一个NFT市场,吸引了全世界的关注,在7月份的世界交易量排名中位列第八,并在日本赢得了 "预期NFT市场第一名 "的称号。它由NOBORDER.z开发,由XANALIA有限公司运营。它的特点是NFT,区块链市场中增长最快的领域,及其与Metaverse的联系,以及DeFi(去中心化的金融)模式。总金额已超过14亿美元(约1650亿日元)。

目前,我们与小马奔腾策划有限公司、富士置业有限公司和富士创意公司共同举办 "2021年XANALIA NFTART AWARDS",以帮助发掘和支持世界各地的创作者。









一家下一代娱乐技术公司,拥有 "无国界世界 "的愿景,以美国纽约和迪拜为中心,在全球五个国家开展业务。它是一家整合了娱乐和技术的企业,如基于区块链技术的Metaverse和NFT平台。



公司名称 NOBORDER.z FZE (NoBorderz)
地点 商务中心,AI Smooch大厦,UAQ自由贸易区,乌姆阿勒奎因,阿联酋。
商业 区块链开发、VR与元数据开发、XR、AI、NFT平台开发和服务运营
首席执行官 里约-久保武夫



部门 公共关系部
查询 [email protected]


NOBORDER.z FZE(首席执行官:RIO TAKESHI KUBO)宣布了由HERO'S Inc.(首席执行官:Katsuya Shirai)在NFT市场 "XANALIA "上出版的漫画 "ULTRAMAN" - 日本漫画/动画英雄,由Eiichi Shimizu和Tomohiro Shimoguchi创作的NFT项目。



ULTRAMAN - 由Comiplex(发行的清水荣一和下口智博的日本漫画系列,是受 "奥特曼系列 "启发的漫画系列--由Tsuburaya Productions制作的SFX Tokusatsu TVseries。故事在原版《奥特曼》中描述的世界几十年后展开。

完整的3DCG动漫版也从2019年4月起由Netflix在全球192个国家独家发行,并获得了 "什么是热门?2019年:十大最受欢迎的动漫(日本)"中获得第一名,由Netflix制作。SEASON 2的制作已经宣布在2022年春季进行。它已被翻译成11种语言。

"ULTRAMAN "一直随着时代和技术的发展而不断发展。这个期待已久的NFT项目计划涵盖从交易卡到NFT游戏的广泛NFT范围。

通过这个项目,NOBORDER.z和Heroes Inc.将为日本创作者在全球市场创造的日本内容业务追求进一步的活力和新的可能性。第一个项目和后续项目的细节计划在年内公布。

Discord :



HERO'S公司主要从事漫画网站和人物内容的策划、管理和制作。他们经营一个名为 "Comiplex--漫画剧场("的网络漫画发行网站,每周五日本时间12:00更新。他们连载了各种流行的漫画,如 "超能战士"、"Kamen Rider Kuuga"、"Tanzaburou Tojima想成为假面骑士"、"ATOM THE BEGINNING"、"DOUDLE"、"Blank Space"、"KILLING BITES "和 "KamiKatsu ~Create a religion in Isekai!~" 以及许多其他各种漫画。

他们的主要股东是Kinoshita Group Inc.和Shogakukan Creative Inc。




XANALIA是一家下一代娱乐技术公司,以纽约和迪拜为中心,在全球五个国家开展业务。该公司以 "无国界的精彩世界 "为愿景,正在为全球NFT市场开发基于区块链技术的NFT元宇宙 "XANA "和NFT平台 "XANALIA"。






  1. NFT
  2. 与元宇宙的联系
  3. DeFi(分散式金融)模式


与Pony Canyon Planning, IncFuji Land, Inc.和Fuji Creative Corporation一起举办 "2021年XANALIA NFTART AWARDS",以促进和鼓励全球创作者。




公司名称 NOBORDER.z FZE (NoBorderz)
地点 商务中心,AI Smooch大厦,UAQ自由贸易区,乌姆阿勒奎因,阿联酋。
商业 发展区块链技术、VR、XR、AI、NFT和服务的运作
首席执行官 里约-久保武夫



部门 公共关系部
查询 [email protected]


NOBORDER.z FZE(首席执行官:RIO TAKESHI KUBO)宣布,继NFT元空间 "XANA "和NFT市场 "XANALIA "的成功之后,将推出元空间兼容的NFT交易卡游戏 "NFT DUEL"。该团队最近发布了《NFT DUEL》的第一个预告片,以满足NFT游戏爱好者的兴奋之情。

"NFT DUEL "是一款采用基于区块链的NFT作为交易卡的NFT卡片游戏。NFT卡牌游戏正在成为全球最受欢迎的游戏类型之一,让用户真正拥有卡牌本身,并允许他们在全球市场上自由交易。此外,用户自己也可以成为化身,与他们在元空间中遇到的其他用户自由互动/竞争。


第一个NFT DUEL预告片发布




NFT DUEL不会只关注一个特定的角色或主角;相反,它将以各种动漫、游戏、漫画、艺术家、运动员和其他IP的NFT为交易卡。它将与广泛的知名IP合作。



NFT DUEL中的NFT交易卡将在XANALIA NFT市场上出售。用户可以购买NFT卡,并能够在XANALIA和OpenSea上自由和广泛地进行交易。


NFT DUEL与XANA Metaverse(由NOBPRDER.z开发)的整合将为游戏增加许多进步。该团队正在逐步计划广泛的发展,以利用元气空间,包括在XANA中与你的化身一起玩,与其他用户竞争,举行活动和电子竞技比赛。




■ 链接





XANALIA NFT Market place



  • 多链式NFT
  • 元老院整合
  • DeFi(去中心化金融)模式


与Pony Canyon Planning, IncFuji Land, Inc.和Fuji Creative Corporation一起举办 "2021年XANALIA NFTART AWARDS",以促进和鼓励全球创作者。






XANALIA是一家下一代娱乐技术公司,在全球五个国家开展业务,以纽约和迪拜为中心。该公司以 "无国界的精彩世界 "为愿景,正在为全球NFT市场开发基于区块链技术的NFT元宇宙 "XANA "和NFT平台 "XANALIA"。



公司名称 NOBORDER.z FZE (NoBorderz)
地点 商务中心,AI Smooch大厦,UAQ自由贸易区,乌姆阿勒奎因,阿联酋。
商业 区块链开发、VR与元数据开发、XR、AI、NFT平台开发和服务运营
首席执行官 里约-久保武夫



部门 公共关系部
查询 [email protected]


由NOBORDER.z FZE(首席执行官:RIO TAKESHI KUBO,以下简称 "NOBORDER.z")开发的兼容元宇宙的NFT市场XANALIA宣布与Chainlink Labs(估值超过1.4万亿日元的大型区块链项目)的开发商合作,进行NFT技术引进合作。

XANALIA是一个快速发展的NFT市场,今年7月在全球交易量方面排名第八(根据,它宣布引入Chainlink实验室提出的Chainlink VRF,以实现完全随机的NFT铸币,没有任何篡改或偏见。这确保了NFT的分配方式具有更高的透明度和公平性,这有一个令人兴奋的游戏方面的机会和不可预测性。











相反,Chainlink VRF是一个防篡改和可审计的RNG解决方案,使我们能够保证我们的NFT分布是可核查的公平。Chainlink VRF是一种机制,通过将请求时仍未知的区块数据与Oracle节点之前承诺的私钥相结合,生成随机数和加密证明。"XANALIA只有在有有效的加密证明时才接受随机数的输入,而加密证明只有在VRF过程是防篡改的情况下才会生成。这使我们能够为用户提供自动和可公开验证的证明,即盲盒的结果不能被甲骨文、外部实体或内部开发人员篡改或预测。



在XANALIA推出的第一个盲盒NFT系列 "孙悟空 "Metaverse Avatar NFT "在中国很受欢迎,从9月26日开始在XANALIA销售,录得销售额$427570美元(约5000万日元)。因此,记录了427,570美元(约5000万日元)的销售额。



Chain Link是区块链市场的巨型独角兽,在推出四年后,目前市值超过1.4万亿日元。此次合作有望促进XANALIA的进一步发展,并产生协同效应,如扩大Chainlink在NFT历史上的影响力。



Chain Link成立于2017年,是区块链的一个抽象层,能够实现普遍连接的智能合约。Chain Link使区块链能够通过去中心化的甲骨文网络与外部数据源、事件和支付方式安全地互动,提供复杂的智能合约成为主流数字协议所需的关键跨链信息。






XANALIA是一个吸引全球关注的NFT市场,在7月的全球交易量排名中获得第8名,并在日本获得 "第一预期NFT市场"。它由NOBORDER.z开发,由XANALIA有限公司管理。它的特点是(1)NFT,(2)与metaverse联动,(3)DeFi(去中心化金融)模式,这些都是目前区块链市场增长最快的领域,其稀释后的潜在市值在推出一个月后就超过了$1.4亿美元(约1650亿日元)。

目前,与Pony Canyon Planning Inc.、Fuji Land Inc.和Fuji Creative Corporation合作,正在举办 "2021年XANALIA NFTART AWARDS",以支持全球创作者的发现。




我们是一家下一代娱乐技术公司,其愿景是 "无国界的精彩世界"。该公司是一家下一代娱乐技术公司,以纽约和迪拜为中心,在全球五个国家开展业务。该公司从事的业务是将娱乐和技术结合起来,如基于区块链技术的Metaverse和NFT平台。



地点 商业中心,AI Smooch大楼,UAQ自由贸易区,Umm AI Quwain,UAE。
商业 开发VR、XR、AI、NFT和区块链技术和管理服务
首席执行官 里约-久保武夫



部门 公共关系部
查询 [email protected]


The virtual human [KANON] developed by NOBORDER.z FZE ( CEO: RIO TAKESHI KUBO) appeared in a virtual fashion show using AR smart glasses at the Unicorn Fashion Awards held at Milan Fashion Week on September 22.

NOBORDER.z created the virtual human “KANON” using the technology of the company’s virtual space “XANA.”The world’s most advanced performance, in which a virtual human model appears in space, walking and posing, was presented at a special venue near Milan Central Station, attracting much local attention.

Together with the Personal Stylist Association of Japan ( CEO: Kaoru Igarashi), the Japanese secretariat and general producer of the event, the company also announced the trailer for the new virtual human show at Milan Fashion Week in 2022.



NOBORDER.z has announced the October release of an NFT featuring KANON’s show on XANALIA, a metaverse compatible NFT marketplace developed by NOBORDER.z.The company is challenging the crossover of the new technologies of the virtual human, metaverse, and NFT.


About the Unicorn Fashion Awards

A U35 fashion contest was held during Milan Fashion Week under the National Council of Italian Fashion (CMNI), the organizer of the Milan Collection. The contest aims for greater diversity and promotes a new approach in which LGBTQ and handicapped people can participate as models without distinction.


About Personal Stylist Association

The purpose of the association is to “promote and spread awareness of the personal stylist profession” and “help connect businesses and individuals (stylists)” through education (courses), systems (examinations), and services (apps) based on the concept of “bringing the happy power of fashion, which is available to everyone, to more and more people. It also serves as the Japan office of UFA.





XANALIA is an NFT marketplace that is currently attracting global attention. In July, XANALIA was ranked 8th in the global trading volume ranking and won Japan’s “No.1 Expected NFT Marketplace”.It is developed by NOBORDER.z and managed by XANALIA Limited. It features NFT, which is currently the fastest-growing field in the blockchain market, linkage with the metaverse, and the DeFi (decentralized finance) model, and its diluted potential market capitalization exceeded $1.4 billion (about 165 billion yen) in just one month after its launch on March 7, 2021.

Together with Pony Canyon Planning Inc., Fuji Land Inc., and Fuji Creative Corporation, the company is holding the “XANALIA NFTART AWARDS 2021” to support the global creativity discovery of creators.






A metaverse (virtual space social media platform) developed by NOBORDER.z, all assets created in NFT on the blockchain. Users can dress themselves up as avatars, interact freely, and enjoy various virtual content developed by other users and companies. It has been used by various companies and organizations, including an art exhibition for the Olympics and Paralympics by Koto-Ku, Tokyo, a global DJ event, and an E-sports tournament.




We are a next-generation entertainment technology company with a vision of a “Wonderful World with No Borders.” the company is a next-generation entertainment technology company with operations in five countries worldwide, centered in New York and Dubai. The company is engaged in businesses that integrate entertainment and technology, such as the blockchain technology-based Metaverse and the NFT platform.



地点 商业中心,AI Smooch大楼,UAQ自由贸易区,Umm AI Quwain,UAE。
商业 开发VR、XR、AI、NFT和区块链技术和管理服务
首席执行官 里约-久保武夫



部门 公共关系部
查询 [email protected]


NOBORDER.z FZE (hereinafter: NOBORDER.z) (representative: RIO TAKESHI KUBO) develops a metaverse-compatible NFT marketplace “XANALIA,” Hangzhou Mangong Wen Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter: IPBANK) (representative): Natsuho), it is decided to release the popular character “Monkey king” of China’s leading visual artist Zhang Kenichi as an NFT avatar for Metaverse “XANA” from September 26.

This work is 101 types of Monkey King NFTs that are a deformation of the world-famous manga hero “Goku,” which was published in France in 2004 and had the motif of the Chinese biography “Nishiyuki.” The price is 299 USD (33,000 yen).

The Chinese version of this work, which was released only in China prior to the international version, sold out in just one minute, and the selling price is 999 yuan (about 17,000 yen) to the current maximum of 500,000 yuan (8.5 million yen). ) Has gained popularity, and the release of the international version is also attracting attention.

The feature of NFT owners is that they can use their avatars in the NFT metaverse “XANA” that works with “XANALIA”.


Sales page


Release information


September 26, 21:00 Japan time No.1 –No.10 Limited to 100 each
September 27, 21:00 Japan time No.11 –No.20 Limited to 100 each
September 28, 21:00 Japan time No.21 –No.30 Limited to 100 each
September 29, 21:00 Japan time No.31 –No.40 Limited to 100 each
September 30th, 21:00 Japan time No.41 –No.50 Limited to 100 each
October 1st, 21:00 Japan time No.51 –No.60 Limited to 100 each
October 2nd, 21:00 Japan time No.61 –No.70 Limited to 100 each
October 3rd, 21:00 Japan time No.71 –No.80 Limited to 100 each
October 4, 21:00 Japan time No.81 –No.90 Limited to 100 each
October 5th, 21:00 Japan time No.91 –No.101 Limited to 100 each


■ About Monkey King (Son-Goku) Metaverse Avatar NFT

The latest version of Goku (Monkey King), the main character of Zhang Jian’s masterpiece “Nishi Yuuki,” is designed in a familiar form so that it can be applied to various purposes. It was sold out in China in just one minute after its release in September 2021.

“Sun Wukong” is a curious young monkey character who is not satisfied with being a monkey and enjoys transforming into various shapes, so he has become 101 types of avatars.


■ About Zhang Jian Yi

A well-known Chinese visual artist. He teaches at the Beijing Film Academy Animation School and the Central Academy of Fine Arts of China. He has been involved in animation production for many years, has published numerous comic works internationally, and is one of the earliest representatives of Chinese original animation, such as publishing a guidebook for animation production.

On the other hand, Kenichi has been successful as a businessman by establishing the sports trend brand “Muscle Dog” and expanding it to various countries. He is also a well-known tattoo artist and has worked on many works of world-famous people including Hollywood stars.





XANALIA is an NFT marketplace that is currently attracting worldwide attention, ranking 8th in the world trading volume ranking in July and winning the “1st place in the expected NFT marketplace” in Japan. Developed by NOBORDER.z and operated by XANALIA Limited. It features NFT, which is currently the fastest-growing field in the blockchain market, and its linkage with the Metaverse, as well as a DeFi (decentralized finance) model. The total amount has exceeded 1.4 billion dollars (about 165 billion yen).

Currently, together with Pony Canyon Planning Co., Ltd., Fuji Land Co., Ltd., and Fuji Creative Corporation, we are holding “XANALIA NFTART AWARDS 2021” to help discover and support creators around the world.





A metaverse (virtual space social media platform) developed by NOBORDER.z, in which all assets are created by NFT on the blockchain. Users can dress up as avatars and interact freely while enjoying various virtual content developed by other users and companies.

It is used by various companies and organizations such as the Olympic Games in Koto-ku, Tokyo, art exhibitions for the Paralympics, global DJ events, and South Asian esports competitions.


■ About Hangzhou Mansung Wen Technology Co., Ltd. (IPBANK)

IPBANK is a Chinese eco-industry chain service platform that focuses on copyright assets and uses blockchain digital rights development applications to add value to copyright assets.

Currently, he operates and develops more than 2000 global IPs such as movies, animations, literature, cultural properties, works of art, celebrities, games, sports, and NFT digital rights.



A next-generation entertainment technology company that has a vision of “a world without borders” and operates in five countries around the world, centered on New York and Dubai in the United States. It is a business that integrates entertainment and technology, such as Metaverse based on blockchain technology and the NFT platform.



地点 Business Center,  AI Smooch Building, UAQ Free Trade Zone, Umm AL Quwain, UAE.
商业 开发VR、XR、AI、NFT和区块链技术和管理服务
首席执行官 里约-久保武夫



部门 公共关系部
查询 [email protected]



NOBORDER.z, a next-generation entertainment technology company based in New York and Dubai with operations in five countries around the world, created a virtual fashion show for the Unicorn Fashion Awards in Japan at Milan Fashion Week 2021, one of the four major fashion weeks in the world, in July this year, utilizing its XANA virtual space technology.

NOBORDER.z is also developing the NFT platform “XANALIA”. In this issue, we interviewed the company’s CEO, RIO TAKESHI KUBO, about the company’s vision of a virtual platform and NFT market.


NOBORDER.z Founder / CEO
Dubai-based entrepreneur and artist After living and working in Los Angeles, he made his major debut as an artist and composer with avex.As a DJ and music producer, he has toured the world four times and has performed in 70 cities in 200 countries.He started NOBORDER.z to combine blockchain, metaverse and other technologies with entertainment, and launched XANA, an NFT metaverse, and XANALIA, an NFT marketplace, with a potential market valuation of over 100 billion yen by 2021. The company is currently based in seven countries around the world and has grown rapidly to over 100 engineers.

To create a virtual platform for smartphone users

— First of all, could you give us an overview of the virtual space “XANA” and the next generation NFT marketplace “XANALIA” and their features?

“XANA is a metaverse (virtual space) that we are developing.We aim to create a platform where users can become avatars, create whatever they want, and offer various services to create a lifestyle and economic zone.

In this kind of virtual space, it is important to create digital assets, so I use NFT for all my avatars, such as the clothes I wear, and the houses and land I own. That’s why we created XANALIA, a marketplace where you can buy and sell NFTs.


— How did you get involved in this virtual industry?

My background is not in IT, but in music entertainment. The name of our company, NOBORDER.z, means “those who cross all barriers”, but it was originally the name of a multinational DJ group when I was touring the world as a DJ.The only goal was to create entertainment that would bring the world together, but at the time we thought the way to do that was to hold a global festival, so we were constantly touring and planning.

Then one day, while on tour in China, I happened to come across blockchain, and it made a tremendous impact on me.
I realized that the time had come for the world to become “NOBORDER.z”, and that technology was going to make it happen! That’s what I thought. I realised that if I could combine technology and entertainment, I could do what I had always wanted to do, so I put all my money into it, gathered my friends and started my own business.


— At the current time, Are there any users or companies that have already entered the market?

Since the end of last year, we’ve been doing test releases and helping companies with their virtual events within XANA.In May this year, we also helped companies and governments that had been working towards the Olympic Games because of the Corona disaster, as they restricted their real events and switched to virtual events.

For example, Koto Ward in Tokyo is planning to hold an exhibition of art created by disabled people to promote the Olympic and Paralympic Games, and asked us if we could create a virtual space for it.Although the schedule was tight, we were able to develop a virtual exhibition where visitors could view a variety of art works and the artists and judges would explain their work.

These activities have been so well received that we are currently in contact with a number of industries, both domestic and international, and are in the process of communicating with them about collaborations.


— What are the strengths and features of XANA?

I’ve been researching VR chat myself because I like it a lot.The communication is innovative, and it’s fun to watch users from the US and other countries having fun.

However, it is difficult to make this a business opportunity for general companies, with the exception of a few of the more innovative technology companies.For companies that target the general consumer, VR was too much of a hurdle to prepare their equipment, because the devices that the target users are familiar with are their smartphones.

That’s why we prioritized the development of services for smartphone users.XANA’s great strength is that you can experience VR, PC or smartphone, but our policy is to provide a virtual space for smartphone users first, so that those who have VR equipment can enjoy VR with upward compatibility.

We believe that it is the link with NFT that differentiates us from the existing metaverse, especially in VR chat.Until now, no matter how much you played in the virtual space or dressed up your avatar, it did not lead to business or profit.However, there will be a time when playing in the virtual space, creating the space itself, and creating what the avatar wears will itself lead to economic activity.At the moment, there are only a few businesses like this in the world, so we want to move forward with a sense of speed that only a venture can provide.


— Is the organization and development based abroad?

Our legal entities are located in Dubai, USA, India and Pakistan. I myself live in Dubai, most of our engineers live in India and Pakistan, and we also have engineers from the UK and various other countries.Our development in Japan started when we were introduced to companies and governments who were looking to develop their business through virtualization and other ways. Until then, it was difficult to connect with Japanese companies, but now, thankfully, we are rapidly expanding our circle of Japanese clients.



The next generation virtual fashion show (trial).

— “You have organised a virtual fashion show using XANA technology, can you give us an overview of this?

The Unicorn Fashion Award (UFA) had already decided to hold a show using Volumetric, but they needed a team that could direct the production and creative side of the show to show the world and its possibilities, so they asked us.When we presented them with the world of virtual humans and 3D virtual spaces that we were working on, they saw a lot of potential in it.Before we joined the team, many of the ideas were ones that we had already seen in real life shows, but we decided that if we were going to do this, we should create a fantastical space that took advantage of the unique expressions of VR technology.

The final show can be viewed using the AR goggles produced by KDDI, or in a VR virtual space using the XANA technology.


— What do you mean by “virtual space”? What exactly does this mean?

The world was devastated by the Corona disaster, but we decided to use it as an opportunity to look at ourselves in a new and positive way, to rediscover ourselves and to create a fashion show that would be a new way of self-expression and communication virtually.

The theme of this show is [Re-Birth], and the model walks on the water based on the image of the sea and the amniotic fluid as the landscape of the source of life, and the image of the sea in the morning sun.This is definitely something that can only be done virtually.The camerawork is not just a standard picture like in the past, but like in a science fiction movie, where the camera moves freely 360 degrees without using any cuts, from angles that would be difficult to achieve in reality, such as above the sky or just past the surface of the sea. This is the first time a fashion show has ever been shown.


— How do you think fashion shows can be enhanced by the use of virtual technology?

Like XR, we predict that the real and the virtual will coexist and diversify.Fashion shows, which until now have only been seen in person by a select group of people, many of whom have only been able to see them through a flat screen, will be able to be seen from the comfort of your own home, in a café or at work, as if you were at the fashion show.

And there you will be able to complete your purchase immediately.There’s another most important part of the process: the clothes are, after all, yours to wear.With just one click you can see your avatar trying it on, just like you.

In this way, the process from discovering new designs and trends at the show to trying them on and buying them will become a new experience in an unprecedented way.Users and creators will become more connected. This fusion of the fashion sector and the virtual is full of possibilities.


— You are planning to present this show as NFT at “XANALIA”, how do you plan to present it to the public?

As this event was meant to be a technical trial and error. NFT will not be sold at this stage.
We are discussing how to make the NFT into a product when the final designers’ products for the awards come out. We are discussing how to turn them into NFTs.

We specialise in creating NFTs that are not simply still or moving images, but that are 3D and virtual in nature.In addition to physical sales, we also offer designers the possibility to capitalise on their designs virtually, giving them limited ownership and allowing avatars to wear them. We hope to provide a new framework and a means of monetization that has not existed in the fashion industry until now.And of course, it’s a project that involves a lot of companies and brands across the region.We would like to start with a minimal start on a trial basis, so that we can create a success story and move on to the next.



The future of fashion and NFT

— How do you plan to develop the NFT business in the fashion sector?

We think that the NFT of the show is just a starting point, and we would like to create NFTs of brands for avatars to wear in the Metaverse. The items shown at the show are limited edition, so it’s not easy to wear them daily, but you can wear them all you like as an avatar. Many people will find it worthwhile to buy the limited 10-piece collection and take a photo with their avatar.

It took about 10 years for everyone to set their own icons on LINE and Facebook and share selfies on Instagram. And I think the next decade will be where everyone interacts as avatars, looking and feeling the way they want to, instead of icons, selfies, and chat bubbles.

Just as it’s hard to find someone who doesn’t have an account on a social network today, it will be harder to find someone who doesn’t have an avatar in ten years. The need for fashion for avatars will then be the same as for people in the real world. It’s a tremendous change. In the financial world, crypto assets have suddenly appeared in a world where you used to be able to invest in stocks, and now they are a common topic of conversation every day. In the art world, where the only value was in physical objects, with the advent of the NFT, digital assets suddenly have a value of their own.In the same way that in just six months, no one in the art world has heard of the NFT, digital fashion is set to bring about a revolution in a fashion that will go down in the history of the world.


— Do you notice any regional differences in the adoption and spread of virtual and NFT?

The pandemic has greatly accelerated the wave of virtualisation that was bound to come. We wouldn’t have seen so many companies jumping into the virtual business, if it wasn’t for the pandemic. In response, players from all over the world have boosted their efforts. I think that the US and South Korea are leading the way, and China is growing at a very different pace. I think China is growing rapidly, it’s digitalising very fast, it’s investing a lot of money, so it’s hard to take your eyes off it. In my personal view, the US and Korea are leading in creativity and taste, while China is showing strong initiative in business scale, financial power, and monetisation.

Japan has many great creations, such as anime and manga, but there are only a few animated films and games that have a global market. I have the impression that there is still a lot of content that has yet to reach the world, so I believe there is a way to develop avatars and virtual fashion that only Japan can offer. We are a unique company in that only I and a few others are Japanese, and the majority of our employees are from overseas. That’s why I believe that we can use our uniquely Japanese creative minds to create something that can be used around the world.

— What would you like to pursue in the future as NOBORDER.z?

If you look at the popular content overseas, you’ll see that it’s not just the well-crafted games; it’s also the characters and games created by the users themselves that are incomprehensible. I think one of the reasons for this is that there is a vicious circle of creative users who come together to provide interesting things for other users, which in turn makes money for the creators. In order to create this cycle, we prioritize the development of a user-driven environment where users can freely create and buy clothes and items.

We also want to work with companies, brands, and creators who are currently developing their businesses based on the real world to create the forefront of the virtual business. It’s an exciting time for us because we are literally creating a new era. We’re looking forward to hearing from all kinds of people about collaborating with us.



NOBORDER.z FZE (Representative: RIO TAKESHI KUBO), an entertainment technology company developing the next-generation NFT marketplace (XANALIA), in collaboration with Pony Canyon Planning Inc.(President and Representative Director: Hideki Ohyanagi), Fujiland Corporation Inc.(President and Representative Director: Yoichi Okabe),and Fuji Creative Corporation, Inc.(President and Representative Director: Kazuya Maeda) to present the “XANALIA NFTART AWARDS 2021″, a global NFT award to identify, encourage and support new NFT creators around the world. NFTART AWARD 2021”, this event has been already announced by the officials.

This award is the world’s first NFT art competition event. NFT digital arts, which is currently attracting attention globally, are invited from all over the world to be auctioned in the form of “NFTART AWARD” excellent works are awarded by auction ranking and jury voting. This is the world’s first NFT art competition event. In addition, the nominated works and the award ceremony will be held in the NFT metaverse ( XANA ), which NOBORDER.z develops in a borderless format.


Purpose of the project

In 2020-2021, the whole world was hit by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, which radically changed people’s lives. In the fight against the virus, people are forced to avoid physical contact with others, and the wave of “digitalisation” has accelerated. As a result, the digital world has evolved into a network that connects the world more closely.

In this context, the revolutionary innovation “NFT” (Non-Fungible Token), which utilises the basic technology of “blockchain” (virtual currency) to revolutionise entertainment, has been put to practical use and is beginning to open up new possibilities in the genre of “art”.
NFT is a blockchain token. “NFTs are digital data issued and distributed on a blockchain, and by storing the associated meta-information on a blockchain which is difficult to tamper with, the information equivalent to a certificate of authenticity and a certificate of ownership is stored and disclosed in a state which cannot be forged. The information is stored and made public in a state that cannot be forged.

Since 2021, the world has seen an explosion of interest in this technology, which has begun to be applied to a wide range of art, music, games, content and IP. This innovation allows artists worldwide to present their copyrighted “art” with confidence and to add value freely. A marketplace has sprung up around the world where NFT art can be displayed, appreciated and traded.

Christie’s New York, the leading auction house in the world for over 250 years, held an online auction (25 February – 11 March 2021) of an NFT artwork by the artist ‘Beeple’ entitled Everyday: The First 5000 Days” by the artist “Beeple” was auctioned for a record-breaking price of $6,934,250 (approximately ¥7.5 billion).

The XANALIA NFTART AWARDS 2021 is designed to give hope and dreams for the future of artists, creators and “golden eggs”, regardless of age, nationality, gender, professional or amateur, who have had limited opportunities to present their work. XANALIA NFTART AWARDS 2021″ will be held in the hope that it will be a chance for everyone to enjoy art more freely and easily.



Summary of application

[Flow of the Event]

Submit your work Fill in the application form on the exclusive website and submit your work.
Acceptance You will be notified of the acceptance of your entry by email within 48 hours.
推特 All you have to do is follow the official Twitter account ( and tweet your work page with the hashtags (#xanalia #nftart #nftawards2021).
※This is not a mandatory condition.If you tweet, the official account will retweet your entry.
Nominations Up to 1,000 works will be nominated in XANALIA during each of the four submission phases and available for bidding in the auction.The top 100 entries will be displayed in XANA’s virtual gallery.
Awards announcement Early March 2022, the top three winners will be announced from among the 100 works displayed in the virtual gallery.


[Regarding the Applications(entries)]

Digital artwork created using a computer.
2D, 3D, VR, still image, Video (within 10 seconds), etc.
Rules and conditions *The work must be completely original or not copyrighted by anyone else.
*The work must be able to be displayed and run on a Macintosh or Windows environment.
The format must be JPEG or PNG still images, GIFs or videos (up to 50 GB).
(Video format must be H.264, audio must be mp3 or AAC with mp4 extension)
For video works, the audio can be made optional.


  • The work will be displayed on the XANALIA Marketplace and sold at auction as an NFT with the same asset value as a real work of art.
  • The “XANALIA NFTART AWARDS 2021 Project” will manage the submitted works.
  • The copyright of the selected “nominated work” belongs to the author but may be used by the organising committee to announce the competition results and for advertising purposes.



[AWARD] The top works will be exhibited in a state-of-the-art virtual space. The three best works will be selected by a Judges vote and auction, and the following cash prizes will be awarded as extra prizes

First Rank 金奖 US $ 10,000
Second Rank 银奖 US $ 5,000
Third Rank 铜奖 US $ 3,000


  • The prize money will be used as an advance of the royalty to be distributed to the copyright holder from the subsequent sales (profit from sales) of the work in question (advance money => profit guarantee).Of course, in the event that the revenue share exceeds the prize money, the excess will be paid out permanently in the subsequent payments.
  • The NFT Marketplace system will permanently allocate the royalty fee for the original copyright to the creator (original author) when the work is sold in the primary auction and subsequent permanent secondary transactions.
  • In this event, the sales return (rights fee) will be 50% of the sale price for the first sale (auction) and 10% of the sale price for each subsequent resale (resale) on a semi-permanent basis.
  • Other than the prize money, the distribution of sales revenue to the creators (original authors) will be paid in virtual currency such as Bitcoin.


■ Schedule

First deadline: 09/30, 23:59 (JST)
Second deadline: 10/31, 23:59 (JST)
Third deadline: 11/30, 23:59 (JST)
Fourth deadline: 12/31, 23:59 (JST)

※The entries to the marketplace will be published in the order in which they are received.


Virtual Gallery Exhibition 01/10 ~02 / 28
Bidding Deadline: 02/28/2022
Announcement & VR Award Ceremony Scheduled for early March 2022


■ Judges Introduction

Director of GALLERY/PHOTOGRAPHY. She spent her childhood in London, studied at Fordham University (NY) as an undergraduate exchange student, and graduated from the Western Clothing History Laboratory, Department of Clothing, Faculty of Home Economics, Japan Women’s University. She has been involved in book editing at Rizzoli New York since 2006, and her recent books include “ANREALAGE: A&Z” (Rizzoli, Fall 2021). After working for an artist management/editing office and an exhibition planning foundation, she established KANA KAWANISHI ART OFFICE in 2014 and KANA KAWANISHI GALLERY in 2015. She has produced various exhibition projects and book publications.


Professor/Designer at Digital Hollywood University. After graduating from Joshibi University of Art and Design, majoring in Western-style oil painting, she became an art teacher at Yoyogi Junior High School in Shibuya Ward, Tokyo. After that, she worked as an illustrator and participated in the “100 Up-and-Coming Illustrators Exhibition” organised by Dentsu Ad Gallery. She won the Grand Prix from Osamu Tezuka in the illustration contest for the 5th anniversary of Tokyo Disneyland. He has been a professor at Digital Hollywood University since 2005 and has been a faculty member at Musashino Art University’s Department of Visual Arts since 2018. His main research theme is 3DCG expression research. Many of his students are active in the game industry and CG imaging industry.


Art Director / Fashion Designer / Professor, Department of Spatial Design, Musashino Art University / Part-time Lecturer, Fashion Craft Course, Bunka Fashion College / Part-time Lecturer, Department of Design, Faculty of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts. Since 1983, he has been a member of the Miyake Design Office and has been involved mainly with the Paris Collection under Issey Miyake. In 1992, he invented FINAL HOME, a garment that uses the entire jacket as a storage space. In 1994, he started the fashion brand KOSUKE TSUMURA and FINAL HOME from A-net Co. He has presented his collections in Paris, London, and Tokyo. In 2015, he became independent and launched the FINAL HOME project, which he presides over. Awards: Won the 52nd Soen Award in 1982, the Second Prize at the 21st Contemporary Art Exhibition of Japan in 1992, the New Designer Award and the Shiseido Encouragement Award at the 12th Mainichi Fashion Grand Prix in 1994, and the Oribe Award in 2001.


CEO and Creative Director of Arca Inc. With a socially conscious creative approach, he is a cross-border creator who works on everything from advertising to product production based on the two pillars of ” creating businesses with ideology and sociality” and “creating works that are concerned with the world view. In 2019, she launched the “Lady knows” project, which focuses on women’s empowerment and healthcare. She has been appearing regularly as a Wednesday partner on the news program news zero since the autumn of 2019. She is taking on the challenge of approaching social issues from the perspective of both creator and communicator.




Curator / Co-Chairman of Tokyo Art Acceleration Foundation Born in 1983. After working as a curator at the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, and Contemporary Art Center, Art Tower Mito, she was appointed to her current position. Major exhibitions include “Hello World: Towards a Posthuman Age,” “Fog Resistance: Fujiko Nakaya,” “Hanae Mori: Butterfly Fluttering to the World,” “Yebisu International Festival for Art and Alternative Visions (4th-7th),” and “The world began without the human race, and it will end without it.,” which will be held at the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts from October 2021. He has been active in various activities, including curating domestic and international exhibitions, planning symposiums, editing, writing, lecturing, and serving on juries. In addition to serving as director of ANB Tokyo, which opens in Roppongi in the fall of 2020, she has supervised the Japanese side of “KAWS TOKYO FIRST” (Fuji Television Network, Inc.), supervised the TV Asahi art program “Ars-Kun and Tekne-chan,” served as a member of the Art Platform Project Committee of the Agency for Cultural Affairs, is a part-time lecturer at Gakushuin Women’s University and Tokyo Polytechnic University, and is vice president of Tokyo Photographic Research.


■ Points to Remember

  • If your work is not selected as a ‘Nominated Work,’ it will not be converted to NFT and will not be exhibited.
  • However, works that have already been converted to NFT are not eligible for this event.
  • If there are no buyers at the end of the exhibition, we will continue to sell the work at the fixed price, but we may withdraw the work after a certain time.
  • The number of entries per person can be as many as you like, but the number of ‘nominated works’ may be limited.
  • Any work that falls under any of the following categories will be disqualified from the selection process. If plagiarism or copyright infringement is discovered after work has been nominated, it will be immediately disqualified.
    1. Entries that violate a third party’s copyright, trademark, patent or other intellectual property rights, portrait rights, privacy rights, or any other rights under the laws of any country.
    2. Any content that defames or libels a specific person or damages the reputation or credibility of a specific person. In addition, any content that provides personal information about a specific person without that person’s permission.
    3. Content that violates public order and morals or the laws of each country. Any content that is, or maybe, contrary to public order and morals or the laws of any country.
    4. Any other content that is deemed inappropriate by the Project Committee as listed below. (above are Examples only, not limited to these)
      • Violent, grotesque, or other material that the general public would find offensive.
      • Discrimination or encouragement of discrimination based on ethnicity, race, religion, gender, nationality, etc.
        Content that contains an explicit sexual expression.
      • Any content that contains political claims or political content leads to the solicitation, dissemination, profit sharing, or cooperation of specific religious groups, anti-social forces, political groups (including similar groups), or ideological groups.
      • Any content that may lead to the invitation, dissemination, benefits provision, or cooperation of specific religious groups, political groups (including similar groups), or ideological groups.
      • Any content that may lead to the invitation of Infinite Chain Scheme, Multi Level Marketing, etc.


■ Organisation and Management

(NOBORDERZ FZE / Pony Canyon Planning Co., Ltd. / Fuji Land Co., Ltd. / Fuji Creative Co., Ltd. )



XANALIA is an NFT marketplace that is currently attracting global attention, having won the “No.1 Expected NFT Marketplace” award in Japan. It is developed by NOBORDER.z ZFE and managed by XANALIA Limited. It is the world’s fastest-growing NFT and DeFi (Decentralized Finance) marketplace, with a diluted potential market capitalisation of over $1.4 billion in just one month after its launch on March 7, 2021. The fact that the company is still trading at a high of $700 million shows the company’s high level of global interest. In July, it was ranked eighth in the world in terms of the trading volume.
The company has released several groundbreaking NFTs globally, including an NFT of a virtual fashion show during Milan Fashion Week 2021, an official NFT art piece of Hokusai Katsushika, one of the greatest Japanese artists the first NFT linked to a TV drama in China.





A metaverse (virtual space social media platform) developed by NOBORDER.z, all assets created in NFT on the blockchain. Users can dress themselves up as avatars, interact freely, and enjoy various virtual content developed by other users and other companies.
It has been used by various companies and organisations, including Koto-ku’s art exhibition for the Olympics and Paralympics, a global DJ event, and an e-sports tournament in South Asia.





地点 Business Center,  AI Smooch Building, UAQ Free Trade Zone, Umm AL Quwain, UAE.
商业 开发VR、XR、AI、NFT和区块链技术和管理服务
首席执行官 里约-久保武夫



部门 公共关系部
查询 [email protected]



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